I'm fed up with the way things are

             Are You Fed Up Too?        Imfedup Pic


                     A website where I can present my various ideas of what could be done to improve our country.

                 And I am wondering, since I am fed up, are fed up too?

Who's Looking out for us?

Well there are a few groups that are actually on our side.  If you haven't already been to their sites and joined the forces against evil, then wait no longer, click on their link and sign up to be made aware of the atrocities that are being thrust upon us by the very people that were elected to protect us from people that have become.

www.cagw.org is one of the first groups to look out for the well being of our great country.  They have been report on waste and abuse for years.  Check them out and see what they have to say about the atrocities taking place as we speak.

Grassfire.org is one group who is keeping an eye on them and letting us know what they are up to.

Taxpayers for Common Sense is another group who does what they can to keep the dishonest officials honest by telling it like it is.

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